In a week that has included few "wins", either at work or at home, I approached yesterday--having finished the two fronts and back of the Lizzy cardigan--determined to overcome my angst about finishing. The sweater pieces, which are my first example of really altering a pattern with shaping to fit me, seemed to be exactly the right size. I decided to start the finishing that I could do with the fronts and back before I knit the sleeves, so that the whole finishing job wouldn't be so daunting at the end.

I did the three-needle bind off for the shoulders (beautiful), the simple picking up of stitches and then binding off for the slim collar (perfect), and the ruffled bands down the fronts (fun and festive!) Anxious to see how my hems would come out, I even sewed some of them, and will finish joining them together after I sew the side seams, which will happen after I knit and set in the sleeves.
So far, this finishing experience has been nothing short of exhilarating. I am definitely at the stage where I should be finishing my own garments, and as long as they don't involve crocheting, there's really no reason I can't do this work. Yesterday's experience proved that I can. I am anxious to make the sleeves and finish my finishing. Hopefully this is the start of a new chapter in my knitting career.
And did I say how much I love Noro???
This cardigan will be fabulous! I am stalled out on a Noro Cardigan with cool ruffles...maybe yours will inspire me to be brave and try to seam?!
That IS lovely! I'm glad you are liking the NORO. Mine had so many knots in the balls, that I won't buy it again. Although, it does make a gorgeous fabric, no?
the cardigan is looking beautiful.
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