Friday, June 09, 2006


You may have noticed that there are a number of new buttons on the sidebar of my blog. Today I will cast on for my project for the Knitting World Cup, which is going to be the gift I give to my One Skein secret pal for August (nothing like getting a head start).
I also plan to participate in the Think Pink Challenge, whose goal is to collect 1,000 hand-knitted scarves to give to breast cancer survivors in September so that they can wear them during breast cancer awareness month (October).
Finally, I've joined the Maple Leaf Socks knit-a-long, part of the Townsend Socks Yahoo group of VERY enthusiastic sock knitters!
It's hard not to join in to these fun and worthy events...I hope to work on a few of my works in progress too.
I'm making good progress on the Embossed Leaves Sock #2 (moving much faster than Sock #1 did, I guess I have the rhythm of the pattern down). I think the "deadlines" of these knit-a-longs and groups also helps to motivate me, and there's no real pressure...I don't foresee the knitting police coming to get me if I don't finish on time.
But sometimes goals are good.

1 comment:

Syd said...

Hi Deb,

Thanks for the link to the Think Pink Challenge. I love your blog. I'm going to add it to our main site too: Soulful Knitting Ministries.